Blog Posts

Building A Successful Social Media Business - May June Creative
Meet the woman who made $100k in a year from Instagram! She talks to us about the journey of starting her own business!

Overcoming Cancer & Losing A Loved One - Alyssa Marie
From dealing with the battle of cancer, to losing a loved one in a traumatic way, we speak to Alyssa Marie about how the past year has reshaped her life.

The Journey Behind Body Image Issues - Steph Montalbano
A discussion about dealing with body image issues, everyday sexism, and how society should change to better support women – featuring my friend Steph Montalbano!

How To Leave A Toxic Relationship - Lydia DeNecochea
A discussion about toxic relationships, sexism, and inspirational women – featuring guest speaker Lydia DeNecochea!

Founder Introduction
An introduction to our founder, Amrit Singh! We learn her professional journey, reasons for creating the brand, and why its mission & values are so important!